Natural Habitat
- Soils
- Plant leaf and stem tissue
Suitable Substrates in the Indoor Environment
- Damp areas including kitchens, bathrooms, grout, and shower curtains
- Painted interior surfaces and textiles
- Skin and nails of people
Water Activity
- Grows well where moisture accumulates (88.5 RH on woodchip wallpaper)
Mode of Dissemination
- Water droplets, rain
- Wind when spores become dry
Allergenic Potential
- Type I (asthma and hay fever)
- Type III (hypersensitivity)
- Skin irritant causing dermatitis
Potential Opportunist or Pathogen
- Keratomycosis
- Phaehyphomycosis
- Pulmonary mycosis with sepsis
Industrial Uses
- A. pullulans
produces pullulan which is used for packaging food and drugs
Potential Toxins Produced