Natural Habitat
- Decaying plant materials
- Soil
Suitable Substrates in the Indoor Environment
- Water damaged building materials such as: ceiling tiles, gypsum board, insulation backing, sheet rock, and wall paper
- Paper
- Textiles
Water Activity
Mode of Dissemination
Allergenic Potential
- Type I (hay fever, asthma)
Potential Opportunist or Pathogen
Industrial Uses
Potential Toxins Produced
- Cyclosporins
- Macrocyclic trichothecenes: roridin E, satratoxin F, G & H, sporidesmin G, trichoverrol, verrucarin J
- Stachybotryolactone
Other Comments
- Stachybotrys
may play a role in the development of sick building syndrome. The presence of this fungus can be significant due to its ability to produce mycotoxins. Exposure to the toxins can occur through inhalation, ingestion, or skin exposure