Silica Testing Services
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued a final rule to help protect workers from exposure to respirable crystalline silica, which is being phased into effect starting on June 23, 2016. The new rule revises the Permissible exposure limit (PEL) for crystalline silica to a level approximately one-half to one-fourth of the previous limits.
Crystalline silica is a mineral commonly found in sand, stone, rock, concrete, brick, block or mortar. Workers are exposed to crystalline silica dust in many daily operations like cutting, sawing, drilling or crushing components that contain crystalline silica. Industries affected by this new rule include construction, general industry, maritime and hydraulic fracturing.
EMSL Analytical, Inc. is accredited to ISO/IEC Standard 17025:2005 with respect to crystalline silica through the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA). EMSL Analytical, Inc. provides testing services for crystalline silica including alpha quartz, cristobalite and tridymite as well as amorphous silica. EMSL's team of laboratory experts help you with your next silica project.
SILICA Testing Labs offering NIOSH 7500 by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)
San Leandro, CA
Huntington Beach, CA
Cinnaminson, NJ
Indianapolis, IN
Mississauga, Ontario (Canada)
Coming Soon:
Long Island City, NY
Charlotte, NC
OSHA's Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard for General Industry and Maritime Fact Sheet Revised
(OSHA FS 3682 - 2018) (English: PDF)
Silica: Small Entity Compliance Guide for the Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard in Construction Revised
(OSHA 3902 - 2017) (English: PDF)
Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Crushing Machines Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3935 - 2017) (English: PDF)
Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Dowel Drilling Rigs for Concrete Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3930 - 2017) (English: PDF)
Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Drivable Saws Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3928 - 2017) (English: PDF)
Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Fiber-Cement Board Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3927 - 2017) (English: PDF)
Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Heavy Equipment and Utility Vehicles Used During Demolition Activities Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3936 - 2017) (English: PDF)
Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Heavy Equipment and Utility Vehicles Used for Grading and Excavating Tasks Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3937 - 2017) (English: PDF)
Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Large Drivable Milling Machines (Half Lane and Larger) Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3934 - 2017) (English: PDF)
Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Overview of Standard Fact Sheet Revised
(OSHA FS 3681 - 2017) (English: PDF)
Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Rig-Mounted Core Saws or Drills Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3929 - 2017) (English: PDF)
Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Small Drivable Milling Machines (Less than Half Lane) Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3933 - 2017) (English: PDF)
Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Vehicle-Mounted Drilling Rigs for Rock and Concrete Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3931 - 2017) (English: PDF)
Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Walk-Behind Milling Machines and Floor Grinders Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3932 - 2017) (English: PDF)
Silica: Exposure to Silica during Countertop Manufacturing, Finishing and Installation Hazard Alert
(OSHA HA-3768 - 2015) (English: PDF)
Silica: OSHA/NIOSH Hazard Alert - Worker Exposure to Silica during Hydraulic Fracturing
(OSHA 3566 - 2012) (English: HTML PDF)
(OSHA HA-3567 - 2012) (Spanish: PDF)
Silica: Silica Exposure during Hydraulic Fracturing InfoSheet
(OSHA 3622 - 2012) (English: PDF)
Silica: Small Entity Compliance Guide for the Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard for General Industry and Maritime
(OSHA 3911 - 2017) (English: PDF)
OSHA Silica Rule Overview
To Order Your Silica Sampling Equipment, Call us Toll Free at 1-800-220-3675(East Coast) or 1-866-798-1089 (West Coast).

Air Sampling Using a Parallel Particle Impactor (PPI) Video:
Respirable Dust & Silica Sampling Video: