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Membrane Filtration Testing

Membrane Filtration Testing           
Contact: John Passero
1-800-220-3675 ext. 3604

Comprehensive analysis packages and customized support services are available from EMSL Analytical, Inc. to clients in the desalinization, microfiltration, reverse osmosis, and other water treatment industries and utilities.

Membrane or chemical treatment suppliers, water treatment consultants and manufacturers with plant infrastructure oversight can all turn to EMSL for a host of services, all under one roof, to carry out your testing needs. With industry expertise and laboratory facilities housing the most advanced instrumentation, we can handle any size or type of project. Service capability examples range from detailed membrane autopsies, particle and bulk chemistry analysis, and even bacterial identification and enumeration. EMSL is your resource for concisely troubleshooting all types of complex water treatment systems.

EMSL’s enhanced materials science and characterization facilities provide critical information about membrane samples. Capabilities include autopsies utilizing Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) analysis with chromatic elemental imaging and Micro Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). We also offer manufacturing inspections, and mechanical and physical properties measurements.

An entire spectrum of tools are at our disposal for chemistry analysis. Whole water chemistry, trace contaminants, treatment chemicals, effluent analysis, additives, raw materials, and whole membrane and filtration testing is available.

EMSL’s microbiological department provides expansive capabilities for bacteriological, fungal, viral and protozoan testing services. These include everything from culture and DNA-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) speciation, by-product compound analysis and anti-microbial material studies.

Comprehensive Water Treatment Solution Analysis:

Membrane Foultant Testing 

Autopsy SEM SEM/EDS Mapping XRD/Thin Film XRD XRF
Micro-FTIR Micro-Raman GD-OES Epi-fluorescence LM MALDI-TOF

Water Analysis Microbiological 

Water & Sewage 
Total Coliform Gram Stain Legionella Direct Exam
Plate Count
PCR Total Coliform
Bacteria ID &
(Various Methods)
Zooplankton ID &
(Various Methods) 
Algae & Protozoa ID
& Enumeration 
(Various Methods)

Water Analysis Chemistry 

Volatiles, Semi-Volatiles,
Styrene, Phthalates, 
ICP-MS GC-MS UV-Vis Oil & Grease 
(Gamma, Alpha,
Isotope, ICP-MS)
LC-MS Surfactants, Glycols Unknown Material ID PCBs


Turbidity Particle Size
Analysis (Various)

Manufactured Membrane/Filter Analysis 

Oxygen Permeability
TEM Porosity/BET FIB/Tomography Direct Exam
Viscosity  TGA DSC DMA  Smoothness/

At EMSL, we provide comprehensive solutions for our clients. Please contact EMSL's Jeff Jacques at (603) 685-3951 or for more information about our customized and analytical services.

Full list of services provided for Membrane Filtration Testing ( click for details )
E. coli Detection by Membrane Filtration
Fecal Coliform by Membrane Filtration (M019)
Total Coliform Count by Membrane Filtration (M018)
Laboratories providing Membrane Filtration Testing ( click for details )
Atlanta, GA (LAB 07) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-1Baton Rouge, LA (LAB 25) - NVLAP Lab Code 200375-0Beltsville, MD (LAB 19) - NVLAP Lab Code 200293-0Boston, MA (LAB 13) - NVLAP Lab Code 101147-0Buffalo, NY (LAB 14) - NVLAP Lab Code 200056-0Carle Place, NY (LAB 06) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-10Charlotte, NC (LAB 41) - NVLAP Lab Code 200841-0Chicago, IL (LAB 26) - NVLAP Lab Code 200399-0Cinnaminson, NJ (LAB List in Description) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-0Dallas, TX (LAB 11) - NVLAP Lab Code 600111-0Denver, CO (LAB 22) - NVLAP Lab Code 200828-0EMSL Canada - Calgary, AB (LAB 65) - NVLAP Lab Code 500100-0EMSL Canada - Edmonton, AB (LAB 50) - NVLAP Lab Code 600321-0EMSL Canada - Markham, ON (LAB 66) - NVLAP Lab Code 600317-0EMSL Canada - Montreal, QC (LAB 68) - NVLAP Lab Code 201052-0EMSL Canada - Ottawa, ON (LAB 67) - NVLAP Lab Code 201040-0EMSL Canada - Toronto, ON (LAB 55) - NVLAP Lab Code 200877-0EMSL Canada - Vancouver, BC (LAB 69) - NVLAP Lab Code 201068-0Fort Lauderdale, FL (LAB 56) - NVLAP Lab Code 500085-0Houston, TX (LAB 15) - NVLAP Lab Code 102106-0Huntington Beach, CA (LAB 33) - NVLAP Lab Code 101384-0Indianapolis, IN (LAB 16) - NVLAP Lab Code 200188-0Kernersville, NC (LAB 02) - NVLAP Lab Code 102104-0Long Island City, NY (LAB 03) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-9Meriden, CT (LAB 24) - NVLAP Lab Code 200700-0Miami, FL (LAB 17) - NVLAP Lab Code 200204-0Minneapolis, MN (LAB 35) - NVLAP Lab Code 200019-0Ontario, California (San Bernadino County / Inland Empire) (LAB 71) - NVLAP Lab Code 600239-0Orlando, FL (LAB 34) - NVLAP Lab Code 101151-0Phoenix, AZ (LAB 12) - NVLAP Lab Code 200811-0Piscataway, NJ (LAB 05) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-2Plymouth Meeting, PA (LAB 18) - NVLAP Lab Code 200699-0Raleigh, NC (LAB 29) - NVLAP Lab Code 200671-0Rochester, NY (LAB 53) - NVLAP Lab Code 600183-0San Diego, CA (LAB 43) - NVLAP Lab Code 200855-0San Leandro, CA (LAB 09) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-3Santa Clara, CA (LAB 47) - NVLAP Lab Code 600318-0Seattle, WA (LAB 51) - NVLAP Lab Code 200613-0South Pasadena, CA (LAB 32) - NVLAP Lab Code 200232-0South Portland, ME (LAB 62) - NVLAP Lab Code 500094-0St. Louis, MO (LAB 39) - NVLAP Lab Code 200742-0Tampa, FL (LAB 93) - NVLAP Lab Code 600215-0
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