
US East Coast: 800-220-3675 | US West Coast: 866-798-1089 | Canada: 888-831-0722

Radiological Testing

Radiological Testing                           Contact: Anthony DeRosa, 1-800-220-3675 ext. 2581

EMSL's Radiological Department is a diversified laboratory which provides a wide range of radiochemical analysis. The division includes analysis of radon in air and water, as well as capabilities to detect alpha, beta, and gamma radiation in a wide variety of environmental samples. The radiochemistry laboratory can analyze various matrices which include but are not limited to food, soil, vegetation, wipes and other unique sample matrices. The laboratory possesses a liberal radioactive materials license and can fulfill many customer needs for radiation detection and analysis. 

The laboratory offers a wide array of analytical equipment including:

  • 3 - Protean 9604 Gas Flow Proportional counters  
  • 4 – Canberra Tenelec S5XLB Gas Flow Proportional counters
  • 4 - Germanium Gamma Spectroscopy detectors  
  • 5 - Perkin Elmer Liquid Scintillation counters, and  
  • 16 - Alpha Spectroscopy detectors? 

Radiochemistry Testing Overview 
Radiological Analysis CoC
Electron Capture Detector (ECD) Leak Test Flyer 
Radon in Water Flyer
Radionuclides in Well Water Flyer
Radionuclides in Foods Flyer

Radionuclides in Soil Flyer
Gross Alpha and Gross Beta Testing Flyer
Radium 226 and Radium 228 Testing Flyer

Uranium Testing Flyer 

For radon testing, please visit