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Cosmetics, Personal Care and Food Testing Labs

Cosmetics & Consumer Product Testing

With the increasing interest in natural cosmetics products, it’s more important than ever to understand the safety of the cosmetics you use and sell. Natural ingredients don’t ensure the health, safety or effectiveness of a product — which is one of the many reasons cosmetics testing is so important.

For many years, cosmetics products and their ingredients have been regulated outside the U.S., but have recently come under increasing scrutiny by the FDA. At EMSL, we’re proud to offer cosmetics testing services for consumers and manufacturers alike. Our labs provide accurate results and rapid turnaround so you will have a clear understanding of the safety of your products.

EMSL’s Cosmetics Testing Services

At EMSL, we have several labs nationwide that provide cosmetics testing for both cGMP and non-cGMP applications. Our analytical testing professionals provide the following tests using recognized, validated test methods:

  • Bioburden testing & identification
  • Antimicrobial effectiveness testing & preservative effectiveness testing
  • Heavy metals analysis using ICP/MS
  • Free anhydrous formaldehyde testing using NMR
  • Nanoparticles
  • Particle size distribution
  • Pathogen identification using culture & molecular methods
  • Real time & accelerated shelf life/product stability testing
  • Organic chemical analysis: GCFID, GC/MS, HPLC, LC/MS

Ensure Cosmetics Safety — Contact EMSL Today!

Untested cosmetics are a serious issue: contaminated raw materials may contain hazardous chemicals and heavy metals, product preservatives may prove hazardous and final products that are contaminated by microorganisms can cause serious illness.

Whether you are a consumer or cosmetics manufacturer, it’s important to confirm the safety of your products. Contact EMSL today for professional, accurate cosmetics testing and analysis.