
US East Coast: 800-220-3675 | US West Coast: 866-798-1089 | Canada: 888-831-0722



Methamphetamine is a potent synthetic drug that stimulates the central nervous system. Various toxic chemicals are used in the production of methamphetamine. During the cooking process, toxic fumes, spills and vapors are all created that can cause immediate health concerns for building occupants and neighbors. Toxic residues are also often left on surfaces throughout a methamphetamine laboratory that can be a danger to future building occupants. Often times, future residents may not even know the building was formerly used as a methamphetamine laboratory. EMSL Analytical, Inc., a leading nationwide testing laboratory, uses state-of-the-art testing that generates rapid, cost effective and accurate results.

Methamphetamine/Clandestine Drug Residue Sampling Instructions