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Chinese Drywall Testing

Chinese Drywall Testing      

Chinese Drywall Screen Test Options:
Test 1. Analysis for presence of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs-especially for organic sulfides) - this test indicates if the drywall sample emits sulfur-based gases capable of producing corrosion. day 3 day 2 day 1 day TAT's Available (2 Week TAT) - (1 Week TAT).

Sample requirements: Piece of suspected drywall 6”x6”

Test 2. 
Analysis of the drywall sample for elemental sulfur / BNA - this test indicates if the drywall sample contains elemental sulfur, associated with the emission of sulfur-based gases capable of producing corrosion. TAT's Available (2 Week TAT) - (1 Week TAT).

Sample requirements: Piece of suspected drywall at least 2”x2”, not more than 6”x6
Test 3. Analysis of copper wires/surfaces by SEM/EDX - this test indicates if the corrosion of copper surfaces is associated with the components of the drywall. TAT's Available (2 Week TAT) - (24 Hour TAT). 

Sample requirements: Option 1: Alcohol prep wipes used for collecting deposits on copper surfaces.
                                        Option 2: Piece of the copper wire with deposits indicative of corrosion.
Test 4. Accelerated Corrosion Test - qualitative analysis of the drywall for its propensity to corrode copper in environmental chamber exposure. (4 Week TAT)No shorter TAT available due to the time-sensitive nature of the test.

Sample requirements: Piece of suspected drywall at least 3”x3”, not more than 6”x6