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Compositional Analysis

Compositional Analysis                                                      
Contact: John Passero
1-800-220-3675 ext. 3604

Analysis of unknown materials or confirmation of the composition of a known material can often be done using a single form of chemical or materials analysis. More complex manufactured or composite materials can require a completely different approach.

With a broad understanding that ranges across the spectrum of materials science disciplines, the scientists at EMSL Analycial, Inc. are ready to support analysis of the complex composition of any material a client might need to investigate. EMSL’s expertise allows for ready access and coordination of analytical tools necessary to document and quantify the components in a complex system. EMSL’s experience and flexibility allows for a range of service offerings ranging from a quick identification of how many mineral or ceramic materials might be in a powder, to complete quantitative determination of mass, volume or manufacturing layout of composites, complex mechanisms or electronic devices. Our team of experts can identify the specific techniques to use based upon the type of sample and materials present, their homogeneity and quantity. We match clients’ needs for analytical precision based on their requirements and cost concerns.

From a simple comparison of similarity between two separate material lots, through a full dissection and inspection of a complex device, the compositional analysis services at EMSL offer the widest range of options to our clients in the realms of manufacturing, product development and regulatory industries with applications in need of trace elemental detection of materials, product development and support.