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Environmental Monitoring

Environmental Monitoring     
Contact: John Passero
1-800-220-3675 ext. 3604

EMSL Analytical, Inc. has over 30 years of experience in providing environmental engineering professionals with high-quality analytical support. With our broad network of laboratories, EMSL offers a range of complementary tests to support environmental engineers.

Monitoring projects can vary from a few days of sample pulls at a single location to long term investigation of several analytes for seasonal trends over a citywide area. EMSL has a wealth of experience in handling the overlapping demands of monitoring projects as they evolve. Analysis options include particulate microanalysis, combustion byproducts, VOC monitoring, crystalline silica and traditional asbestos monitoring.  

EMSL can also leverage the expertise of our scientific staff to create a customized analysis plan to meet whatever your needs. Specialized environments and sampling locations require customized analysis. From semi-conductor fabrication sites to municipal trash incinerators, EMSL can provide the insight and peace of mind they require for their application.