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Non-Destructive Testing

Non-Destructive Testing   
Contact: John Passero
1-800-220-3675 ext. 3604

There are those situations when a material of interest needs to be tested, but not destroyed. For those cases, EMSL Analytical, Inc. provides a number of non-destructive testing (NDT) options.  Industries and applications that regularly call upon NDT include mechanical and civil engineering, aerospace and defense, research and development, process validation and many more.

NDT allows EMSL’s scientists and engineers to test a material to evaluate its properties and components without causing damage. This form of testing can be especially important in cases where the material of interest may be rare or part of evidence.

The Materials Science Division at EMSL offers the following NDT techniques and services:

  • X-Ray CT (Computational Tomography)
  • Real Time Magnified X-Ray Imaging
  • High Resolution X-Ray Film Imaging
  • CSAM (Scanning Acoustic Microscopy)
  • Magnaflux AC/DC Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) System
  • Ultrasonic Flaw Detector
  • Acoustic Digital Tap Hammer
  • Portable XRF (Niton type analyzer)
  • XRF (Plating thickness measurement)


EMSL’s experts have been trusted for decades to provide high quality, targeted and cost-effective NDT services. Turn to EMSL for answers and solutions to benefit your business.