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Unknown Material Identification

Unknown Material Identification   
Contact: John Passero
1-800-220-3675 ext. 3604


Identifying the composition of a truly unknown material is a common need, yet it can present a complex challenge. For example, environmental engineers and property owners are often faced with unexplained residues or deposits of material in soil or around previous construction that are either poorly documented or completely unexplained. In manufacturing, even when efforts are made to tightly control all phases of a supply chain and the manufacturing process, contaminant residues may be found in or on source materials and supplies. These are just a few scenarios of everyday occurrences that require the identification of a mysterious material.

Providing the expertise to achieve this are the scientists at EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL has numerous testing facilities where their scientists apply their expansive knowledge to these types of cases. With decades of experience and the use of state-of-the-art instruments, EMSL delivers the answers while also greatly reducing the time and analytical fees associated with inapplicable tests.

EMSL’s clients also have direct access to the professionals examining their samples to ensure that the specific details of their projects are thoroughly addressed. The staff can also assist clients with demystifying the network of analytical techniques that might be applicable so customers can focus on what’s most important. Testing may involve a variety of bulk chemical analysis using spectroscopy and chromatography methods, functional, physical and electronic testing, as well as a wide range of micro-analysis methods. These and other specialized tests allow for the nature and composition of almost any material to be determined.

Contact EMSL’s scientific team today for all of your material identification needs.